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Krio Descendants Union
North Carolina
A person of African ancestry who was born in Sierra Leone and one or both of whose parents were descendants of
The Black Poor
The Nova Scotian settlers
The Jamaican Maroons
The Liberated Africans
A person who was born in the USA or in any other country to one or both Krio parents.
In these bylaws and in the Rules made under these bylaws, wherever the pronoun “he” or “him” or “himself” shall appear, it may be interpreted as she” or “her” or “herself” whenever applicable or whenever appropriate
In these bylaws and rules made under these bylaws, wherever the phrase “immediate family member” or “member of the immediate family” shall appear, it shall be interpreted as meaning any of the following: “Spouse, Children, parents, and siblings”
The term “Krio” shall mean;
Membership in Krio Descendants Union (North Carolina) shall be open to the following:
Krios who are residents of North Carolina, including those who are from the enclaves of Fourah Bay, Fullah Town, and Aberdeen in Freetown, Sierra Leone
Any Krio living in the United States of America that has the desire to join this organization
Any Sierra Leonean who was under the guardianship of Krios in Sierra Leone and who upholds the culture.
And any none Krio spouse who is dedicated to maintain and uphold the culture and heritage of Krios both in Sierra Leone and the diaspora shall be awarded full membership, with the exception of becoming president of the organization.
Persons who may or may not be Krios may be invited to become Honorary Members of this organization if such persons are considered capable of enhancing the status of the organization. An honorary member is only accorded honorary membership of the organization as recognition of the respect in which he is held by members.
Any person who is appointed as an honorary member shall not be liable to the payment of any monthly subscription or any other contribution as stated in section 24 of these bylaws. But such a person may make whatever voluntary contribution he wishes to give the organization.
Any person who is appointed as Honorary Member shall not be obligated to attend meetings nor to participate in discussions of the organization. However, an Honorary Member can openly participate if so desired, but would not have a vote.
Honorary Members:
Each member of this Organization shall pay a monthly membership subscription of $10.00 (Ten dollars)
Membership fees for established senior citizens and those with financial hardship, (as determined by the executive) may have fees waived upon request.
Advance payment of Monthly Subscription
Members who wish may pay their monthly subscription quarterly in advance or every six months or even for one year in advance instead of monthly
Members who pay in advance (annual subscription before the end of March each year), Shall pay $100, a $20 discount.
Membership subscriptions are non-refundable.
Monthly Subscription:
The Application Fee for each applicant who may wish to join the organization shall be $10.00 (Ten dollars).
Application Fee for Applicants:
Meetings of the organization shall be the following:
General Meeting – We meet once a month via Zoom
Emergency Meeting – As necessary
Executive Committee Meeting – Meet once a month via Zoom
Meetings of the Organization:
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